Samit Dental Products

Samit Tooth Stain Remover
- 25%

Out of Stock

Samit Glass Slab 7.5cm x 15cm x 12mm
- 20%

Out of Stock

Samit X-Ray Fixer Powder

Out of Stock

Samit Toffalmaire Bands
- 5%

Out of Stock

Samit Matrix Retainer No.1
- 36%

Out of Stock

Samit X-Ray Developer Powder
- 25%

Out of Stock

Samit Fox Plane Plastic
- 40%

Out of Stock

Samit Mounted Stones
- 60%

Samit Mounted Stones

Rs.40 Rs.100

Out of Stock

Samit Matrix Band
- 50%

Samit Matrix Band

Rs.50 Rs.100

Out of Stock

Agate Spatula Samit
- 70%

Agate Spatula Samit

Rs.30 Rs.100

Out of Stock

Samit Carving Wax
- 20%

Samit Carving Wax

Rs.100 Rs.125

Samit Matrix / Mylar Strip 200 Pcs
- 34%

Out of Stock

Samit Blow Torch Plastic
- 47%

Out of Stock

Samit Cold Mould Seal
- 47%

Out of Stock

Samit Cotton Holder
- 33%

Samit Cotton Holder

Rs.100 Rs.150

Out of Stock

Samit Probe
- 33%

Samit Probe

Rs.100 Rs.150

Out of Stock

Samit Explorer
- 33%

Samit Explorer

Rs.100 Rs.150

Out of Stock

Samit X-Ray Fixer Liquid
- 6%

Out of Stock

Samit X-Ray Developer Liquid
- 22%

Out of Stock

Bite Registration Wax
- 40%

Bite Registration Wax

Rs.150 Rs.250

Out of Stock

Samit Spirit Lamp
- 40%

Samit Spirit Lamp

Rs.150 Rs.250

Samit Matrix Retainer 1 NO
- 40%
Samit Matrix Retainer No.8
- 40%
Samit Mouth Mirror Handle
- 20%
Samit Tweezers
- 60%

Samit Tweezers

Rs.100 Rs.250

Samit Dappen Dish
- 52%

Samit Dappen Dish

Rs.120 Rs.250

Samit Sand Paper Mandrils
- 60%
Samit Disc Mandrils
- 52%

Samit Disc Mandrils

Rs.120 Rs.250

Samit Kidney Tray
- 60%

Samit Kidney Tray

Rs.100 Rs.250

Samit Instrument Trays
- 60%
Samit Spatula
- 52%

Samit Spatula

Rs.120 Rs.250

Out of Stock

Samit Mouth Mirror MM Tops
- 17%
Samit Base Plates
- 50%

Samit Base Plates

Rs.150 Rs.300

Samit Wooden Wedges 100 Pcs

Out of Stock

Samit Carbide Trimmer
- 50%

Samit Carbide Trimmer

Rs.250 Rs.500

Samit Instrument Tray Stainless Steel with Lid
- 25%

Out of Stock

Samit Glass Bead Sterilizer
- 13%

Out of Stock

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