Coltene Roeko Gelatamp

Coltene Roeko Gelatamp

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Coltene Roeko Gelatamp

1200 1411

Manufacturer: Coltene

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Deal of the Month

  • Fast initial haemostasis
  • Stabilisation of the coagulum
  • Broad antibacterial effect due to colloidal silver
  • Complete absorption

Gelatamp is a gelatine sponge for the prophylaxis of wound infections and secondary haemorrhage following extractions. It contains colloidal silver and is thus clearly distinguished from mere gelatine sponges. Owing to the silver, Gelatamp exerts a broad antibacterial effect over the entire resorption period. The silver also gives Gelatamp its specific brown colour. This immediately signals that this sponge is worth its weight in gold.


  • Hardened gelatine Ph. Eur. 9.5 mg
  • Colloid silver Ph. Eur. 0.5 mg


The treatment of alveoli and wound cavities, e.g. after

  •  Extractions
  •  Apical amputations
  •  Maxillary sinus perforations
  •  Other surgical treatments (removal of tumours or retained teeth)

Prophylaxis of

  • Secondary cavity formation
  • Wound infections
  • Secondary haemorrhage prophylaxis as well as a dressing after gingivectomy and in periodontopathies


  • Rapid initial haemostasis following extractions is an important step in initiating wound healing.
  • The haemostatic process forms a coagulum which is the decisive link to the resulting granulation tissue which finally replaces the coagulum.
  • Disturbances in wound healing often occur if the coagulum is not formed, a formed coagulum is destroyed or if it is lost due to inappropriate post-operative patient behaviour.
  • The use of Gelatamp counteracts these influencing factors in various ways and has been proven to reduce disturbances in wound healing.
  • Pack of 20 pcs (14x7x7 mm size)


Gelatamp gelatine sponges are used to treat wound cavities and sockets following extraction.

CLINICAL ADVANTAGES   Rapid initial haemostasis following extractions is an important step in initiating wound healing. The haemostatic process forms a coagulum which is the decisive link to the resulting granulation tissue which finally replaces the coagulum. Disturbances in wound healing often occur if the coagulum is not formed, a formed coagulum is destroyed or if it is lost due to inappropriate post-operative patient behaviour. The use of Gelatamp counteracts these influencing factors in various ways and has been proven to reduce disturbances in wound healing.

MODE OF ACTION Gelatamp supports rapid haemostasis. The sponge absorbs a multiple of its own weight in blood, fills the wound cavity and stabilises the blood coagulum. The sponge structure enhances the aggregation of thrombocytes and thus haemostasis. Gelatamp fits tightly to its surroundings and prevents the formation of gaps and secondary cavities which could occur through contraction of the blood coagulum without Gelatamp. The ingress of burdened saliva is reduced, and thus the risk of wound infections. In addition, the silver ions of the colloidal silver in the sponge are activated. Ag+ ions are highly reactive in a moist environment and counteract the survival or multiplication of bacteria in numerous ways. As silver is bound in the gelatine, it is not washed out, but released successively when the sponge is resorbed. The difference is the depot effect of Gelatamp – the antibacterial effect of the gelatine sponge acts over the entire resorption period and thus effectively prevents wound infections. The silver in Gelatamp acts locally and not systemically, resulting in good tolerability.

APPLICATION  Gelatamp is applied immediately after the wound cavity has filled with blood. To maintain its full absorbing capacity, the sponge is to be applied dry into the wound and should not be compressed. The sponge will fill completely with blood and immediately promotes the haemostatic process. Treatment of the alveolus is provided by placing the sponge, there is no need for further irrigation and, if required, it can be sutured.

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