Avue Gum Putty & Light Body

Avue Gum Putty & Light Body

3500 4200

Manufacturer: Dental Avenue

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Avue Gum Putty (2 x 300ml)

2450 3000


Avue Gum Light Body (2 x 50ml)

1100 1200


Avue Gum Putty Set

3500 4200


Deal of the Month

  • Excellent detail Reproduction of margins
  • Impression with Unmatched accuracy
  • Superior Wetting Characterstics
  • Impression is rigid enough to allow tray support
  • The material is flexible enough for easy removal
  • Thixotropic Characterstics aid in optimized flow which Facilitates excellent and Accurate Impressions

Avue Gum

Hydrophilic Vinyl Polysiloxane Impression Material


  • Crown & Bridge impressions
  • Pickup Impressions
  • Full arch impressions in Implantology
  • Veneer / Laminate
  • Inlay and Onlay impressions
  • Functional impression
  • Impressions for orthodontic splints and study models

Avue Gum Putty (300ml x 300ml):

  • 1 x 300ml Base
  • 1 x 300ml Catalyst

Avue Gum Light Body (2 x 50ml):

  • 2 x 50ml Cartridge


  1. Slide up the lever present on the back side of the dispenser & simultaneously pullback the plunger.
  2. Lift up the plastic flap ( Cartridge Lock) present on the front side.
  3. Now load the cartridge, ensuring that V-shaped notch of the cartridge is facing downwards.
  4. Push down the plastic flap and lock the cartridge.
  5. Remove the cartridge cap by rotating its 90 degree anticlockwise and discard it.
  6. Attach mixing tip and turn it clockwise to lock it.
  7. Before applying the tip, check that the two cartridge openings are not clogged, and bleed the cartridge until the base and catalyst paste are evenly extruded
  8. By pulling the trigger material is mixed while using it for the first time squeeze out a pea sized amount of material and discard it.
  9. To avoid bubbles, it is important that the tip of mixing cannula always remains immersed in the material.
  10. After application leave the used mixing tip on the cartridge to cap the unused material.



  1. Take the base material and the catalyst in equal ratio using the specific colored spoon.
  2. Knead the material with the fingertips for not more than 60 seconds until the color is uniform.
  3. Reseal the container immediately after use.

NOTE: Only use the Base and Catalyst from the same package! Reseal the container immediately after use! Do not mix up the container lids!


  1. Clean and dry the prepared teeth
  2. Apply tray adhesive to the tray following manufacturers instruction for use
  3. Take equal measures of base and catalyst using the specific scoop at ratio of 1:1
  4. Knead the base and catalyst paste for not more than 60 seconds with fingers until the color of mixture is uniform
  5. Place the mixed material into the tray and put the spacer above it.Alternatively, the initial impression can be taken before the preparation of the teeth
  6. Insert the tray into the patient's mouth and remove the putty impression after 3-4minutes
  7. Remove the spacer and make sure impression is clean

Fill the light body material on to the putty impression and over the prepared teeth


Note: ln order to ensure that the two impression materials bond securely with each other, a period of not more than 30 min may pass between both the impression

  1. Place it inside patients mouth
  2. Remove the impression after material setting time has elasped


  1. Apply tray adhesive on to the tray
  2. Fill the tray with AvueGum-Putty.
  3. Syringe the preparation with AvueGum-Light.

Note: The filling of the tray and syringing should be completed at the same time as the higher temperature in the mouth leads to a quicker setting of the syringed material compared to the tray material.

  1. Position the filled tray in the mouth with in the working time.
  2. Remove the impression from the mouth once the material sets.

Removal of the impression

Remove the impression parallel to the longitudinal axis of the prepared teeth. CASTING

The impression should be cast 30 minutes at the earliest after removal from the mouth.


  1. Store impression at room temperature (7 -25 °C) in a dry place away from light.
  2. The impression is stable and can be cast even after month without loss of accuracy
  3. After the application, leave the used tip onthe cartridge to cap the unused material.
  4. Close the jar immediately after use

S. Do not use the material after the expiry date, which is displayed on the



The impression should be rinsed under (cold) running tap water after removal from the mouth. After rinsing, disinfection can be done with a suitable commercial Dental disinfectant solution like 2 %glutaraldehyde.

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