Shofu Composite Finishing Kit

Shofu Composite Finishing Kit

1600 1800

Manufacturer: Shofu

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Shofu Composite Finishing Kit CA

1600 1680


Shofu Composite Finishing Kit Fg

1600 1800


Deal of the Month

  • Dura-Green silicon carbide stones for adjusting
  • Dura-White aluminum oxide stones for fine finishing
  • Contra-Angle and Friction-Grip kits
  • Your choice of a sterilizable bur block or plastic kit
  • Use CompoSite Finishing kit for: composites

The kit comprises of an assortment of abrasive stones that are designed for contouring and finishing aesthetic restorations. Designed for finishing interproximal and subgingival composite fillings.

Kits Available - Both CA (Contra-angle) and FG( Fine Grip-Airotor)

Dura-Green Stones
- 3 each CN1, FL2 – For Adjusting

Dura-White Stones
- 3 each CN1, FL2 – For Finishing

This kit is designed for finishing and polishing composite restorations. It has two Dura-White Stones, eight CompoSite and eight CompoSite Fine Polishers. Dura-White Stones will finish composite restorations smoothly. CompoSite Polishers will prepolish and polish and CompoSite Fine (with white banded shank) Polishers will superpolish composite restorations. Dura-White Stones, CompoSite and CompoSite Fine Polishers are autoclavable for reuse.


  • Never exceed the maximum permissible rotation speeds described in Table A.
  • Read all instructions on the back side carefully before use.


  • Perform autoclave under the conditions described in Table B. CAUTION: US Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a dental professional.



●Never exceed the maximum permissible rotation speeds.

●Insert the shank completely into the chuck of the handpiece.

●Do not use damaged or defective instruments i.e. corrosion, surface flaw, deformation, dirt and exposure of shank due to repeated use.

●Perform test run to check safety and smooth operation without run-out prior to use.

●Avoid any use at acute angles or with excessive pressure.

●Use local dust extractor and equipment while using.

Avoid exposure to moisture, corrosive chemical and its vapor. Keep away from external pressure (physical load) and avoid contamination.

●This product is intended for use by dental professionals only.

●Do not use this product for any purposes other than the intended use. (STERILIZATION)

●Perform autoclave for 3 min at 134°C (273°F) or 30 min at 121°C (250°F) for sterilization.

●When using intraorally, sterilize before each use.

●For reuse after using intraorally, remove any contaminants immediately with cleaning liquid or disinfectant, then sterilize.

●Dura-White Stones: Do not use chlorine disinfectant liquid (sodium hypochlorite) and benzalkonium chloride solution. Do not per form plasma sterilization.

●CompoSite and CompoSite Fine: Do not immerse into chlorine disinfectant for a prolonged time to avoid corrosion. Do not perform dry heat sterilization.

●Follow the instructions for use of cleaning liquid, disinfectant and sterilizer, respectively.

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