Ivoclar Tetric N-Bond 6g

Ivoclar Tetric N-Bond 6g

2050 2746

Manufacturer: Ivoclar Vivadent

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Deal of the Month

  • Consistently high bond strength on enamel and dentin for clinical success
  • Nano-fillers ensure a visible glossy coat which indicates complete coverage
  • Formation of a homogeneous layer for improved adhesion to the tooth structure
  • Reduced postoperative sensitivity
  • Acetone-free chemistry – the solvent ethanol provides for easy application in one layer

Tetric N-Bond is a light-curing, nano-filled single-component adhesive which is used in conjunction with the technique. Best partner for Tetric N-Bond is the phosphoric acid gel N-Etch. Tetric N-Bond is used in the placement of direct composite and compomer restorations as well as in the adhesive luting of indirect restorations made of all-ceramic and composite materials involving light-curing.



  • Adhesive for direct, light-curing and dual-curing composite and compomer restorations
  • Adhesive for indirect all-ceramic and composite restorations (inlays,onlays, veneers)
  • 1 x 6gm Bottle


Tetric® N-Bond is a light-curing, single-component bonding agent for enamel and dentin bonding in combination with the total-etch technique.


Tetric N-Bond contains phosphoric acid acrylate, HEMA, Bis-GMA, urethane dimethacrylate, ethanol, film-forming agent, initiators and stabilizers.


  • Tetric N-Bond contains phosphoric acid acrylate, HEMA, Bis-GMA, urethane dimethacrylate, ethanol, film-forming agent, initiators and stabilizers.


  • Tetric N-Bond – If the patient is allergic to any of the components of Tetric N-Bond or if the stipulated working technique cannot be used. – Tetric N-Bond must not be used in combination with purely self-curing composite materials. Always activate dual-curing materials with light. – Direct pulp cappings

Side effects

  • In rare cases, components of Tetric N-Bond/Tetric N-Flow/Tetric N-Ceram may lead to sensitization. In such cases, the products should no longer be used.
  • To avoid possible irritation of the pulp, areas close to the pulp should be protected with a suitable pulp/dentin protector (selectively apply a calcium hydroxide-based preparation in areas close to the pulp).


  • Cationic mouth rinses and plaque disclosing agents as well as chlor- hexidine may cause discolouration.
  • Materials containing peroxides (e.g. peroxide-based bleaching agents or disinfectants) may inhibit the polymerization of adhesives.
  • Iron- und aluminium-based styptic agents must not be used shortly before or during the application of Tetric N-Bond.
  • Fluoridation agents must not be used prior to the application of Tetric N-Bond.



– Although the 2 ml syringe is equipped with a plunger safety stop, it is absolutely necessary to wear gloves, protective goggles and a face mask for reasons of safety. – Remove the screw-on cap from the 30 g Jumbo syringe and the empty 2 ml syringe.

– Join the tips of the two syringes with a twisting, clockwise motion. Make sure that the two syringes are firmly joined. Caution: Do not strip the thread. – Refill the 2 ml syringe by slowly and steadily pulling the plunger of the small syringe. Simultaneously, exert light pressure on the plunger of the jumbo syringe using the other hand to support the refilling process.

– Avoid overfilling the 2 ml syringe. – Under no circumstances exceed the plunger safety stop of the small syringe – there is a risk of acid burn! – Do not point the syringes towards people during refilling. – Do not fill etchant from the 2 ml syringe back to the Jumbo syringe. – Disconnect the two syringes by an anticlockwise twist. – Replace the screw-on cap on the 30 g Jumbo syringe. – Attach an application tip to the 2 ml syringe. The filled 2 ml syringe is now ready for use. Apply the etchant as described above.

– Use only the N-Etch application tips delivered with this package. The use of other application tips may have an adverse effect on the viscosity of the etchant. – In order to ensure traceability, write the LOT number and expiration date of the 30 g Jumbo syringe on the label provided; and attach it to the filled 2 ml syringe.


  • Step 1:

Dispense the desired amount of Tetric N-Bond into a mixing well and apply it using a disposable applicator (e.g. Vivadent Applicator Brush).

  • Step 2:

Protect the adhesive from light (e.g. VivaPad). Close the bottle immediately after each use.

  • Step 3:

A new disposable applicator must be used for each application.

  • Step 4:

Apply a thick layer of Tetric N-Bond on the enamel and dentin surfaces,using the enclosed application brush.

  • Step 5:

Brush the material gently into the dentin for at least 10 seconds.

  • Step 6:

Avoid insufficient coverage of the cavity and apply additional material, if required.

  • Step 7:

Remove excess material and the solvent by a gentle stream of air so that the adhesive completely covers the enamel and dentin without pooling.

  • Step 8:

Light-cure Tetric N-Bond according to the curing time recommendations below.

Unit Programm Bluephase N Bluephase N M Bluephase N MC
High Power program    ---   10 s    10 s
Soft Power program    ---    ---     ---
Low Power program   10 s    ---     ---

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