Coltene Cool Temp Natural

Coltene Cool Temp Natural

6500 8200

Manufacturer: Coltene

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Coltene Whaledent Cooltemp Natural Shade A3.5 50ml Cartridge

6800 8200

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Deal of the Month

  • low polymerisation temperature
  • three Fluorescent shades
  • low shrinkage
  • excellent polishability
  • easy and fast processing time

Be cool - stay cool

Cool Temp NATURAL is a temporary crowns and bridge material based on bis-acryl composite. An optimized elastic phase allows the material to be easily removed after a short time in the mouth. The result is an accurate and aesthetic provisional. Available in three shades: A1, A2, A3.5.

  • low polymerisation temperature
  • three Fluorescent shades
  • low shrinkage
  • excellent polishability
  • easy and fast processing time



Cool Temp NATURAL is a two-component material and is designed for short-term tem- porary applications (designed to be used for max. 30 days).


Composition Cool Temp NATURAL

Methacrylates Bariumglass silanized

Amorphous silica hydrophobed



For temporary crown- and bridge restora- tions. The material can be used for all tech- niques: Chairside fabrication with a preim- pression or fabrication in the laboratory.


  • 1 x 50 ml / 85g Cartridge (Automix )


Safety information

  • Only supplied to dentists and dental la- boratories or upon their instructions.
  • Established allergy to one of the compo- nents of Cool Temp NATURAL.
  • Always store Cool Temp NATURAL with the Mixing Tip attached. This seals the container and prevents contamination.

  • Agents which contain eugenol and clove oil may affect the polymerization of Cool Temp NATURAL.
  • In order to guarantee an accurate fit of a final full restoration (blocked and non-blocked), it is recommended to sec- tion the provisional restoration in multip- le units (e.g. 2-3 bridges).
  • The definite colour will be achieved about 15 min after curing.

Note- In order to guarantee an accurate fit of a final full restoration (blocked and non-blocked), it is recommended to section the provisional restoration in multiple units (e.g. 2-3 bridges). – The definite colour will be achieved about 15 min after curing. – The curing rate in the mouth and outside the mouth is different. Cool Temp NATURAL should be used at a room temperature of 23 °C / 73 °F, because the material is influenced by higher temperatures and humidity. This means that the curing process must not be judged by the material on the mixing block.


Chairside fabrication with a preimpression

1. Preimpression
Prior to the preparation, an impression is
taken of the quadrant with alginate or silicone. The interdental gingival areas should
be trimmed out of this impression to provide bulk for the later finishing of the Cool
Temp NATURAL temporary restoration. If
there is a gap between molars, create a
connecting bar between prepared teeth
by cutting a groove between the abutment teeth in the impression. Alginate
materials should be stored at 100% humidity until Cool Temp NATURAL temporaries
are to be made.

2. Dispensing and Application
Remove safety cover on Automix syringe/
cartridge and discard. Extrude a small
amount of material onto a paper towel until the base and catalyst come out of the
end in equal amounts. This ensures an optimum mix. Wipe the end with a paper
towel. Place the mixing tip and fix it in
place by rotating it a quarter of a turn
clockwise (90°). Squeeze material and discard until even, homogenous paste flows.
Inject Cool Temp NATURAL directly into
the deepest part of the preimpression and
then fill it to the gingival areas.
 Do not remove mixing tip after use.
Wipe mixing tip with disinfectant and do
not remove the used mixing tip until immediately before the next use, then check
that the material flows evenly and put on a
new mixing tip.

3. Seating and removal from the mouth
Fill impression within 35 s. Place filled impression on prepared tooth and remove
any excess material with a plastic tool. After a time of 30-45 s in the mouth, Cool
Temp NATURAL has a firm elastic consistency and can be removed easily with the
situation preimpression, because the temporary can only be removed during the
elastic phase.

4. Preparing the temporary restoration
After removal of the temporary from the
preimpression, the inhibition layer caused
by atmospheric oxygen should be removed from the surface with alcohol. Remove excess material and proximal undercuts with rotary instruments. If the curing
process is complete (≈ 270 s), the temporary can be further processed and polished. To accelerate the curing process, the
provisional can be placed in water at 50-60
°C/120-140 °F.

5. Luting the temporary
The temporary restoration can be cemented with commonly used luting agents (e.g.
TempoSIL 2).

 Eugenol containing cements may have
a deleterious influence in composite resin
luting systems for subsequent attachments.


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