Ivoclar Vivadent Tetric N-Collection System KIT/ N-Bond

Ivoclar Vivadent Tetric N-Collection System KIT/ N-Bond

10345 13881

Manufacturer: Ivoclar Vivadent

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Deal of the Month

  • Bulk Fill is possible due to Ivocerin, the patented light initiator
  • Special filler technology ensures low shrinkage stress
  • Esthetic results are achieved quickly and efficiently in the posterior region

Tetric N-Bond:

Tetric N-Bond is a light-curing, nano-filled single-component adhesive which is used in conjunction with the total etch technique.

Best partner for Tetric N-Bond is the phosphoric acid gel N-Etch. Tetric N-Bond is used in the placement of direct composite and compomer restorations as well as in the adhesive luting of indirect restorations made of all-ceramic and composite materials involving light-curing.

Tetric N-Bond is available in the bottle or the innovative VivaPen.


  • Restoration of deciduous teeth
  • Restorations in the posterior region (Class I and II)
  • Class V restorations (cervical caries, root erosion, wedge-shaped defects)
  • Preventive resin restorations in molars and premolars

Tetric n ceram composit 8 srg (Neno composit) Tetric N flow 2 Srg.


  • A1/1
  • A2/2
  • A3/1
  • B2/1
  • Special shade( B2D/ BLEACH L / TRANSLUCENT)
  • B2D/1
  • Bleach L/1
  • Translucent/1
  • Tetric flow 
  • A2/1
  • A3/1
  • Tn bond 6gm

Direct Restorations

STEP1. Select the shade

STEP2. Prepare the cavity according to the requirements of the adhesive technique. Clean the cavity with water spray. Air dry the cavity.

STEP3. Apply a pulp protector (calcium hydroxide material, e. g. ApexCal®) if needed; only cover areas close to the pulp and subsequently apply a pressure resistant cement (e.g. Vivaglass® Liner).

STEP4. Place a matrix and an interdental wedge, if required.

STEP5-Apply N-Etch on enamel and subsequently on dentin; and allow a reaction time of 15 seconds. Afterwards, thoroughly rinse off the etchant with water spray and dry the tooth surfaces with oil-free air. Avoid excessive drying of the dentin. The etched enamel surface should have a chalky white appearance. If this is not the case, repeat the etching procedure using a shorter reaction time. If the tooth surface becomes accidentally contaminated (e. g. with saliva), repeat the etching procedure with a reaction time of max. 10 seconds.

STEP6. Tetric N-Bond. Dispense the desired amount of Tetric N-Bond into a mixing well and apply it using a disposable applicator (e.g. Vivadent® Applicator Brush). Protect the adhesive from light (e.g. VivaPad®).  Apply a thick layer of Tetric N-Bond on the enamel and dentin surfaces, using the enclosed application brush.

STEP7. Light-cure Tetric N-Bond according to the curing time recommendations. A shiny tooth surface prior to the application of the composite shows that all surfaces are completely covered. Polymerize each layer individually according to the table. Hold the light emission window as closely as possible to the surface of the restorative material.

STEP8- Finish the restoration with suitable finishers or fine diamonds. Subsequently, check the occlusion. Polish with silicone polishers

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