Ivoclar Plaque Test Ivoclar Plaque Test

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Ivoclar Plaque Test

1943 1943

Manufacturer: Ivoclar Vivadent

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Deal of the Month

  • Fluorescent under polymerization lights
  • Only the plaque areas glow
  • Only stains the biofilm on teeth

Plaque Test is a fluorescent disclosing liquid for detecting plaque.

Bacterial plaque not only promotes the development of caries, but also of periodontal and peri-implant disease. It is not easy to detect for the untrained eye. Patients who have been well informed by their dental professionals are capable of further enhancing the treatment results through measures which they can conduct at home.


– No inconvenient staining of tongue and mucous membranes
– Easy handling
– Fluorescent under any polymerization light


Benefits for the practice team

  • Easy to integrate into practice routines
  • Provides sound information for establishing a reliable diagnosis and for informing patients
  • Leaves no unpleasant discolouration


  • Disclosure of existing bacterial plaque
  • 1 x 11gm refill

Step by Step

1. Apply Plaque Test generously on all tooth surfaces using a cotton swab.

2. Instruct the patient to rinse. Plaque Test adheres to areas covered with plaque.

3. Shine a polymerization light, e.g. bluephase on the teeth. Plaque covered with the disclosing liquid has a fluorescent yellow appearance.

4. Remove plaque by brushing the teeth or by professional tooth cleaning using Proxyt® pastes.

Note The glycerine gives Plaque Test a sweet taste. The disclosing liquid is sugarless.

Storage – Close bottle immediately after use. – Shelf life: see label / packaging.

– Do not use Plaque Test after the indicated date of expiration.

– Storage temperature: 2–28 °C/36–82 °F. Store out of the reach of children! For use in dentistry only! Date information prepared: 06/2011, Rev. 1


Ivoclar Vivadent AG, FL-9494 Schaan/Liechtenstein This material has been developed solely for use in dentistry. Processing should be carried out strictly according to the Instructions for Use. Liability cannot be accepted for damages resulting from failure to observe the Instructions or the stipulated area of application. The user is responsible for testing the material for its suitability and use for any purpose not explicitly stated in the Instructions. Descriptions and data constitute no warranty of attributes and are not binding.

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