Out of Stock
₹ 12085 ₹ 16218
Manufacturer: Ivoclar Vivadent
₹ 54420.00 ₹ 72500.00
₹ 1370.00 ₹ 1475.00
₹ 3500.00 ₹ 4699.00
₹ 12500.00 ₹ 16250.00
₹ 2000.00 ₹ 3000.00
Comprehensive set for intraoral repairs of ceramic and composite restorations.
The Ceramic Repair N System Kit is a set of various components for the intraoral repair of defective ceramic- and composite-veneered fixed restorations. All-ceramic restorations can also be repaired with the Ceramic Repair N System Kit.
This comprehensive system comprises the necessary bonding and veneering materials. The set contains only light-curing single-component materials and therefore eliminates certain tasks such as mixing. The entire set is ergonomically arranged and enables you to work from left to right. The flowchart can be attached to the package. Due to its outstanding high bonding values, this system is a reliable assistant in inconvenient situations.
Intraoral repair of defective ceramic- and composite- veneered fixed restorations.
Repair of fractures in
STEP1. Isolation Appropriate isolation is required, preferably with a rubber dam (e.g. OptraDam® Plus). STEP2. Preparing the metal surface In case of an exposed metal surface, roughen the surface with a diamond or corundum grinding instrument using water irrigation. Alternatively, roughen the metal surface with an intra- oral sandblasting device (observe the instructions of the manufacturer). STEP3. Preparing the defective ceramic or composite surface Bevel the margins of the defective ceramic or composite surface (1-2 mm) with a fine-grained diamond grinding instrument using water irrigation. Usage Subsequently, rinse thoroughly with water and dry with oil-free air.
STEP4. Placing the matrix If the restoration includes proximal areas, place a matrix band and secure it with a wedge. Note: If tooth structure is affected by this repair, these areas must be pretreated with a dentin/enamel adhesive.
STEP5. Monobond N Use a brush to apply Monobond N to the exposed ceramic, metal and composite surfaces and allow to react for 60 seconds. Subsequently, dry with oil-free air. (Do not rinse with water.) Then, light-cure for 10 seconds. (e.g. Bluephase® N ”High Power Program“). STEP6. Applying Heliobond Apply a thin layer of Heliobond to the entire surface area which needs to be repaired. Remove any excess with compressed air. STEP7. Applying the opaquer Apply IPS Empress Direct Opaque to the prepared metal surface only. The layer applied should have a thickness of maximum 0.5 mm. Then, light-cure for 20 seconds. (e.g. Bluephase N “High Power Program“). If the surface is still not sufficiently masked, apply a second layer of IPS Empress Direct Opaque and light-cure again. STEP8. Restoring the restoration with Tetric N-Ceram Apply Tetric N-Ceram in increments of max. 2 mm and adapt the material with a suitable instrument (e.g. OptraSculpt® Pad). 6 STEP9. Finishing and polishing Remove excess with a suitable fine-grained diamond grinding instrument. Light-cure each layer individually for 10 seconds (e.g. Bluephase N ”High Power Program“). STEP10. Restoration after repair
Rs.58960 Rs.80000
Rs.2950 Rs.4348
Rs.1340 Rs.1797
Rs.10345 Rs.13881
Rs.7475 Rs.10031
Rs.2500 Rs.2830
Rs.4180 Rs.4760
Rs.2950 Rs.4250
Rs.2470 Rs.5715
Rs.7500 Rs.8250
Rs.10660 Rs.18800
Rs.4000 Rs.4560
Rs.3150 Rs.3425
Rs.800 Rs.1440
Rs.3000 Rs.3500
Rs.650 Rs.950
Rs.1950 Rs.3280
Rs.1300 Rs.1440
Rs.1600 Rs.1800
Rs.600 Rs.900
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